I think almost every guy (and girl) I know of have heard of or read "The Game". When I started doing that shit a couple of years ago, it really fucked up my game. Or I let it fuck up my game. When you start doing the method it has the ability to plant the seeds of some really fucked up beliefs inside your mind.
I have to agree with urbanunderground that some of theese beliefs have the tendency to go really deep, and after a while they are hard to weed out, and they can really fuck you up.
I have a theory that the over all "game" of guys in the western world have become worse, after all this "Mystery Method" stuff became popular. I can't see this stuff making guys better with girls, unless you're a social retard who have never been to a club.
Sean Messenger also said that all he knew that had some game before reading the book got worse after reading the book.
Do guys have such a weak reality, that they fall for all the stuff in "The Game". Why do guys love that book so much, without even having tried out all the stuff in the book to see for themselves if it works.
The only thing you're Sure to learn from the community is to become a validation whore. Seek More Validation = Game Goes Down.
I'm not saying that some guys don't get better with girls. But I have only met a couple of guys who have gotten better with women after joining the community.
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I bet the guys that you know that got better after joining the community were already decent with women and had their 'head together' and were fairly cool, whereas the guys you know who got worse after joining the community weren't cool and didn't have their 'head together'.
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1. Yes to the guys that got good pretty fast. Already had fulfilling realtionships with women, and bascically just had to start approaching.
2. I can only speak for myself. But before I got in "The Community". I was fairly good at the picking-up part, and everything rolled along pretty well. But after reading the game I got all neurotic and anxious. Basically beacuse I got a bit anxious that someone had wrote a book about what I had been doing all along, and it started to catch on. I had been doing all that neg stuff and whatever naturally and got conscious that I was doing it.
Then the book came out, and I was like "Fuck!".
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all very true!
as for your last questions, guys simply would like to engage in hope that they have the solution in the can, and do not want to try it out because they don't want to learn that it doesn't actually work.. in other words they'd rather keep the fantasy alive
all guys who got better with women in the community did so because they actually started approaching, before they didn't even try!
if they started approaching WITHOUT the community, or with the community but without mystery method, they would get 10 times better 10 times faster.
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Excellent post an very true. One of the best things about Mystery Method is that it encourages a lot of approaching, even though it is anal about it (go out for 4 hours and talk to 3 setss per hour for a total of 12 sets per night). The majority of Mystery's theories are counter productive, especially the 7 hour rule. I swear, I've read so many field reports from guys where the chick was gagging for sex and the guy didn't fuck her because it hadn't been 7 hours yet.
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i tried this more than once - stepped in, instead of negging, i complimented. instead of coming at an angle, i came from behind. instead of time constraint, i said i lost my friends and here alone for the rest of the night.
sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't (like all pickup), but on average, it worked way way waaay more often than doing the mystery method.
your approach to LAY ratio when you used pure mystery method is ZERO. maybe 2 people on earth can make this method work for them, making this the worst approach imaginable to getting better with women.
having fun works the best for me. I like to mess with girls, which usually works. I don't flat out 'neg' them (sometimes I do, as a joke) but usually it's shit like asking if they saw my Twin brother Enrique, and hten five minutes later ask if they saw my twin brother Rodriqo. Shit like that
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Has anyone ever seen mystery wear normal blue jeans in recent history.........like past 3 years or so..........?
I don't know if he talks about it..........but any picture I have seen of the dude.........he was never wearing plain old blue jeans..........must be part of his method........
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I remember him once saying to never wear jeans because it makes you look too generic. Fuck his peacocking shit, he does it because he's a fucking attention whore.
They target the weak.
There is nothing out there for the unexperiened
Unexperienced need hookers
The product that really fucked me up was the body language product. I understand that there is a secret body language that women respond to. There really is, but that program causes extreme self counciousness.
Mystery tought me 1 good thing, IOI, the rest is
This has been discussed multiple times around here, but again, every pickup method teaches guys how to be attention/validation/reaction seekers with the whole social status thing.
It's awesome because they insist on that you stop being a "nice guy" while the students don't realize that their transformation only leads to them getting the same exact thing every nice guy wants: to be liked by everybody.
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Riveting tale, chap. Also, sweet routine man... you really know your shit. Will def use in field.... (sarcasm!)